Your Privacy

We (being The Retail Talent Network Ltd) take the privacy of all our users. clients and candidates seriously and take great care with information they provide. All references to "we / our / us" refer to The Retail Talent Network. This Privacy Policy outlines how we may use your personal information and forms part of the Terms and Conditions of this site. In future we may have occasion to modify our Privacy Policy, which was last revised on 22nd May 2018, and any modifications will be notified on our homepage. Please read through this Privacy Policy before submitting any of your personal information to us. You do not need to submit any of your personal information when browsing our Website.

The Retail Talent Network Ltd will collect your name, contact details and other relevant information directly from your CV. We use the information that we collect to provide you with the best possible service. This includes notifying you of future job opportunities. We may share your information with any member of The Retail Talent Network Ltd to help us deliver our services to you.

We will store your data only for as long as necessary. We conduct regular data-cleansing and updating exercises to make sure the information we have is relevant and accurate.

Should you wish to stop receiving emails from us, you will be able to unsubscribe from the communications you receive, or contact us by email, post or telephone

The Information we collect

We will collect your personal details, including your name and contact details and other relevant information from your Curriculum Vitae ("CV") this may be through a direct application on our websites or an application that you have made through a third party job board.

We will likely obtain directly from you further personal information during the course of our relationship with you.

How we use your Personal Information

We will hold, use and disclose your personal information, for our legitimate business purposes including:

  • To provide our services to you
  • To maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our website, a client or candidate
  • To enable you to submit your CV to apply for specific jobs or for general applications
  • To match your details with job vacancies
  • To assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you and to send your personal information (including sensitive personal information) to clients in order to apply for jobs
  • To retain your details and notify you about future job opportunities other than the specific role for which you have contacted us
  • To answer your enquiries
  • To direct-market our services, events and other information
  • To fulfil contractual obligations with our clients
  • To release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement agencies, if we are required or permitted to do so

We will share your personal information as above for any or all of the following purposes:

  • To provide you with recruitment services
  • For business development
  • For systems development and testing
  • To improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you


We disclose your personal information to clients who have vacancies for jobs in which you are interested.

Trusted Third Parties

We will share your personal information where necessary with trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you or our clients have requested, such as:

  • Employment reference checking;
  • Qualification checking;
  • Criminal reference checking (as required);
  • Verification of details you have provided from third party sources

We will also share your personal information with third parties who perform functions on our behalf and provide services to us such as:

  • Professional advisors
  • IT consultants carrying out testing and development work on our business technology systems

Regulatory and Law Enforcement Agencies

As noted above, if we receive a request from a regulatory body or law enforcement agency, and if permitted under GDPR and other laws, we may disclose certain personal information to such bodies or agencies.

If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on our website or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on the website we may use your personal information to stop such behaviour. This may involve informing relevant third parties such as your e-mail/Internet provider and law enforcement agencies about the content and your behaviour.

How long we will hold your information

The length of time we will hold or store your personal information for will depend on the services we perform for you and for how long you require these. As we often support candidates with placements over many years, and potentially throughout their careers, the purpose for which we retain candidate data is often an ongoing purpose. We conduct regular data-cleansing and updating exercises with our candidates to ensure that (a) the data that we hold is accurate and (b) we are not holding data for too long.

Our clients should retain candidate data such as CVs for the purposes of the specific role you apply for and that, as controllers of your data, they should inform you if they plan to retain your CV on file in order to notify you about potential future roles, or to otherwise hold or use your data for other purposes.

Your rights on Information we hold about you

You have certain rights in relation to personal information we hold about you. Details of these rights and how to exercise them are set out below. We will require evidence of your identity before we are able to act on your request.

Right of Access

You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the personal information about you that we hold. Where we have good reason, and if the GDPR permits, we can refuse your request for a copy of your personal information, or certain elements of the request. If we refuse your request or any element of it, we will provide you with our reasons for doing so.

Right of Correction or Completion

If personal information we hold about you is not accurate, out of date or incomplete, you have a right to have the data rectified, updated or completed. You can let us know by contacting us directly

Right of Erasure

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that personal information we hold about you is erased e.g. if the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed or our processing of the information is based on your consent and there are no other legal grounds on which we may process the information.

Right to object to or restrict processing

In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal information by contacting us directly. For example, if we are processing your information on the basis of our legitimate interests and there are no compelling legitimate grounds for our processing which override your rights and interests. You also have the right to object to use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

You may also have the right to restrict our use of your personal information, such as in circumstances where you have challenged the accuracy of the information and during the period where we are verifying its accuracy.


To the extent that we are processing your personal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting us directly

Curriculum Vitae

We give you the option of submitting your CV via our website or by providing your CV to one of our consultants. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they come up. Your CV will be stored in our database, and will be accessible by our recruitment consultants.

You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV.

Use of Cookies

Like most websites, when you visit our sites we place cookies on your computer or other device. For the most part, these cookies are used to enable the websites' functionality, improve the user experience or help us to optimise our websites, measure traffic and other internal management purposes.

Other websites

Please note that clicking on links and banner advertisements on our websites can result in your browser accessing a third party website, where data privacy practices are different to that of The Retail Talent Network Ltd

We are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties and you should consult their privacy policies.


If you have any enquires or if you would like to contact us about our processing of your personal information, please contact us either by email or letter to the following address:-

Registered The Retail Talent Network Office:
Richmond House, Walkern Road, Stevenage, Herts SG1 3QP

Tel: 020 3 0567632